The Sage's Dau...
By becky157689
  • Fanfiction


Alexis lives a life full of lies to the people around her, although.. they weren't the type of people she really cares about lying to. She didn't trust anyone except from Dante, her only family member and best friend. Dante knew everything and loved her anyway. One night she messed with people who didn't like to be messed with and was about to pay for it, worried for her life, she ran and Dante ran with her. Everything was fine, until they came across a dead end. Alexis had two choices. 1) To get taken back and go through more pain and heartbreak or 2) To jump. Alexis and Dante both chose the latter. They jumped, however something weird happened and they ended up in the Naruto world, Alexis favourite show and real home. Will she find how to trust once again? What happenes when the people who can't know, find out who she actually is? Read on to find out her secrets..

Chapter 1 - Prologue

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The Sage...
by becky157689