to exceptionally Lu...
By stylishPanda123
  • Werewolf


"The trees shook with excitement as the wind yelled In my ear. The sun was shining ,and the birds were singing. Other kids ran by me over joyed to get in their cars and head home with their parents. Who would later tuck them into bed as their reassuring lips sent them off to sleep. The pavement dragged under my feet as I skiped alongside my father who stared at me in amusement. My hair was flowing in the wind his head reflected the sun. That moment could not have been more perfect. All of a sudden a black truck came barreling down the sidewalk. My fathers strong arms swiftly pushed me out of the way onto the grass. The wind whipped my hair as I felt the soft impact of the grass. He then turned to run in the grass alongside me ,but it was to late...... Alex Way, a abused 16 year old girl with a all so tragic back story. There is something special about her that has yet to be discovered. Something so special it impacts more than just her. It impacts a whole new world. Something greater than she can imagine or even begin to. What is this impact you may ask? Well, read to find out!!! Hello fellow writers, book nerds, and people who have a addiction to reading like me! This is my first real book! I have another Writing piece called beautiful stars. I hope you enjoy what I have written. Please leave comments ,and feel free to message ideas For the book. Also do not take ideas ,and if you see a book that looks exactly like mine please message me! I know this book is in development ,but people can still take from what is written. I leave you with this ; feel free to message ideas of what can be improved ,and what you want to see thank you ,now go enjoy the book!


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to except...
by stylishPanda123