Not Your Plaything...
By MyFallOutAtTheDisco
  • Horror


Used to be on my joint account Twisted_Minds. EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING. DON'T EVEN READ THE DESCRIPTION UNLESS YOU ARE 400% SURE YOU CAN HANDLE IT. It started with simple touches, nothing that would be in any way suggestive unless you were already thinking that way. But as the year went on the touches lingered longer and in places that maybe weren't so appropriate. He thought she was "too young" to understand. He thought he would stop before she turned any older. She wouldn't even remember it. But he couldn't stop, he was too drawn to her. He didn't stop until he was forced, but that is what could be said for all child molesters. Not only was she a little girl, she was his niece. Not only was she a little girl, but it started when she was 4. It didn't stop until she was 9. By then it was too late, she understood and would never forget. For years she swore off of sex, like any normal person would. But when her "best friend" asked for her body for his birthday, who was she to refuse? From then on she put men's pleasure before anything else, it was what she knew to do. So why were they now calling her such terrible things? She did it for them right?

Goodbye Innocence/Introduction

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Not Your...
by MyFallOutAtTheDisco