Me My Life and HIM !
By mmiya_57
  • Teen Fiction
  • werewolf


I was running through the forest as fast as I can, not once stopping. I kept running for God knows how long. Then suddenly I fell into a deep dark hole and that's when I realized I landed on my back. I looked up. The hole might be about 10 feet deep. I could barely see any light. I noticed that the hole was actually a cave. "Hello!" I shouted, hoping someone could hear me. "Hello!" I shouted, again. I wondered who would dig a whole this deep; an animal couldn't possibly do this. And then dig it so long in length. I was distracted by my thoughts when I heard someone or something moving. "Is anyone there" I shouted And then out of nowhere. I saw two dark red eyes. "Who's there!" I shouted. Then suddenly the dark red eyes started coming closer to me, slowly. Then faster. Now they were so close to me that ...... They attacked me and I passed out.

Me My Life and HIM !

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Me My Lif...
by mmiya_57