An Otherworldly Exp...
By GrilledCheezez
  • Fanfiction
  • albusdumbledore
  • dumbledore
  • harry
  • harrypotter
  • harrypotterfanfiction
  • muggleborn
  • originalcharacter
  • potter
  • riddle
  • romance
  • time
  • timetravel
  • tom
  • tomriddle
  • travel
  • ốc


One day, it's 2017, Kelli Watson goes to bed after a normal afternoon of browsing the Internet and getting irrationally angry at strangers about Severus Snape. A perfectly normal night for Kelli. She dreams of the 1930s. She dreams that she's eleven years old again, a cringe time to say the least. She dreams that she meets Albus Dumbledore and he wants her to attend Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What better dream she could have? She wishes she'll never wake up, but she has to. She's got school tomorrow, she's a top student and she can't let her grades slip over a dream. Maybe tomorrow she'll do the same thing and go to sleep with Harry Potter on her mind. Except Kelli notices this dream is getting rather boring. It's rather long. Nah, dreams can sometimes be long, she'll get to platform 9 and 3/4s and then she'll wake up in disappointment, right? Well, she may as well read the textbooks and practice some magic, what could be the harm in that? She's on the train. Kelli finally realises that this isn't a dream.

Chapter One.

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An Otherw...
by GrilledCheezez