black hat x reader...
By dead_accountlol
  • Fanfiction
  • blackhat
  • blackhatxreader
  • villainous
  • villainousxreader
  • xreader


you know youre absolute trash when- (Please read) i havent written a fanfiction in forever. i was originally going to make one with just my sona, cause im trash, but then i figured id make one public for a reader. EXCEPT. they play as the same species as my sona, basically a little shapeshifting feathered dragon. here ill give you the freedom to have your dragon whatever color and such, so it isnt my sona x black hat. dont worry, ill have a human(ish) form pop up at some point. basically, youre a creature, minding your own business when you are captured and taken to a strange place. Black hat wanted to capture creatures in order to turn them evil, and, find a suitable pet to follow him around and give him company when hes just bored. if my writing is messy i appologize, im on my phone. if anything i say is hard to understand i gave autism, though its mild it still affects the way i read and write. so please be patient. warnings: there will be lemon at some point, it might involve a little abuse from the grumpy ol black hat. probably gore at some point.

chapter 1

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black hat...
by dead_accountlol