Astrophile [J.P]
By Viola130831
  • Fanfiction
  • adversity
  • astronomy
  • friendship
  • harrypotter
  • hate
  • hogwarts
  • jamespotter
  • lgbt
  • lgbtlove
  • lilyevans
  • love
  • magic
  • marauders
  • maraudersfanfiction
  • muggle
  • orderofthephoenix
  • planets
  • pureblood
  • siriusblack
  • stars
  • wattys2018
  • wattys2019
  • wizardingwar
  • wizardingworld


[The Marauders Series] ❝Some people are like stars. They fall to make other's wishes come true.❞ _Anonymous. Not all students find Astronomy interesting. And in that list of students, the topmost is James Fleamont Potter. Arrogant, cocky and popular, James Potter is quite the golden boy of Hogwarts. Favorite of almost every Professor, envied by most students, shining star of Quidditch, part of an entrusted group of friends known as the Marauders... Potter seems to have everything in his school life. Everything except Lily Evans. And, well, shining grades for that matter. He manages to scope a few Os and Es here and there but still a few subjects such as Astronomy and Arithmancy only bestow him Ps or even below. To most, he may seem as the boy with a dream life and yet to the other half, he comes around as a prejudiced Gryffindor, a hothead and not to forget an arrogant bully. Felicity Latvia is one of those who regards him as such and is not at all pleased when she is paired with him during Astronomy. *** This is not a James Potter x OC love story, James is the main character and the fanfic focuses on him more than the rest of the Marauders so his name is included in the title. I had been working on four fanfics for the Marauders Series, one for each of them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that said Marauder would be the love interest. *** ✴️ Highest Ranking: #1 in wizardingwar #1 in adversity #1 in maraudersfanfiction #2 in orderofthephoenix #3 in siriusblack #6 in jamespotter


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by Viola130831