Amor Before Moriart...
By DontshaveforSherlock
  • Fanfiction
  • gay-romance
  • jimlock
  • sheriarty
  • sherlock
  • wattys2014


"Sherlock, how many ways must I say it for you to understand? I'm love before Moriarty. I'm Eros before Moriarty. I'm more than Moriarty. Amor before Moriarty!" When Mrs Hudson discovers a wad of well-loved and secretive looking paper in Sherlock's bedroom, who can blame her for reading it? After all, Sherlock is such an elusive mystery in himself. These letters could solve said case. However, if she does, she may get more than she bargained for. Diary entries from Moriarty's past; back when he and Sherlock were young men, and dating! This story should be a simple question of young love. But the fact that Moriarty was - at the same time - concocting a plan to steal a lot of money, well, it complicated things. There is also a letter from Moriarty at the end, one of the 'Should I die, give this to-' letter-types. Oh dear, Mrs Hudson. Are you ready?

Amor Before Moriarty - A Sheriarty Fanfiction (Sherlock)

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Amor Befo...
by DontshaveforSherlock