The Past Is Past
By JustReadMyBioImDone
  • Fanfiction
  • flash
  • skyhigh


Team Flash and some of Sky high, watching Sky high and some of the Flash. That's a catchy short term description but if you wanted something a little more interesting here you go! Layla went missing one day, and Will hadn't noticed. He beat himself up over it for years, remembering how he had just assumed she'd been sick, and that was why she was missing school. It wasn't until he saw the missing posters had he understood... Caitlin wished she could say she missed her old life, but the truth of the matter was, she didn't. When she appeared in a world with no superpowers she was overjoyed. She loved her powers, but hated how others like the cheer squad made themselves seem better than her. Looking back, meta humans weren't too far off from what she used to see everyday. Maybe now she could make a difference. Or, Caitlin is Layla and has no clue how she ended up in the universe she's in, but that was years ago. Only problem is, now she's been pulled into an inter dimensional pocket of space and time to watch her past with team flash... and her old Sky High friends.


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The Past...
by JustReadMyBioImDone