At one time, I used to be a pirate. I used to be as free as the birds that fly over the ocean. I never followed rules or laws or anything like that. Of course, everyone has a code they live by. I did have pirate code, but... now that I'm no longer a pirate, I don't live by it anymore. Don't get me wrong... I don't mind not being on the ocean all the time, but I do miss it. I loved being free and truly not really ever having to listen to someone tell me what to do all the time. It's not like that now... I had to give up being a pirate, when I almost got killed. I mean, trust me, every single day was a fight for my life, but... that time was different. My parents both got killed protecting me, so I decided to give it up. Of course, I still have my skills, but... I'm a bit rusty. Anyways, here I am just living my life on the land, with my "brother", Will. He's not really my brother. It's a cover we used a long time ago, so I could get into the city. His father knew my parents. That's why he helped me. He found out about them getting killed, so... he helped me out. We are close, though. He is like a brother to me, and I consider him a brother. Moving on, here I am just... wasting my days away with Will. All we do is sit in his shop and make weapons. However... everything changes when an infamous pirate shows up out of nowhere. Everything turns upside down, after I meet... "Mistah Captain Jack Sparrow..." or.. Mistah J, as I like to call him, just to get on his nerves....
Chapter 1