Your parents had you before going into battle the next day. But while they're in battle they get killed at battle. You lived in Asgard, the Elemental Kingdom isolated. Once you get to Earth your uncles put you up for adoption to keep you safe. But the rest of your life your being isolated again and physically abused by your adopted parents. Ever since they found out you aren't from Earth and that your a Greek god and goddess kid. One day your only friend Britney Spears gets killed and you see it then two unexpected male agents comes and asks you a few questions. You don't know anything about love or experienced it. The short emerald-green eyed hunter falls for you. Will you fall in love and learn about love and experience it? Or will you go back to Asgard the Elemental Kingdom and be crowned queen next month? Will you let him help rule your kingdom? Will you have a family together? takes place at the almost end of the apocalypse.