Tips and Ideas for...
By _emjessup
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Hi, my name is Emma! If you're here, I'm guessing you and I share the unfortunate fate of often feeling like we're in a rut, and our creativity just isn't flowing very well.That, my friend, is what I like to call "Writer's Block". It's very annoying and for some, it takes quite a while to get out of the funk. Luckily, you've found my little vault of tips, tricks, prompts and ideas to help you get out of this brain fart you're stuck in! I'm not going to update/posts regularly, it's more or less going to be categories instead of chapters and I'm either going to continuously add on, or switch the ideas out every month or so (let me know which you guys would prefer!) Anyways, read on! Also, most if not all of these ideas are from blogs on tumblr, so you don't have to ask before taking these ideas. I'd love if you guys would comment the idea/prompt/tips you're going to take/use, just so I can see which are more popular and see what you guys like and don't like! This book/project is ALL about communicating, so please leave comments and your thoughts/opinions! POSSIBLY INVOLVING MATURE CONTENT

Sad Dialogue Prompts

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Tips and...
by _emjessup