Everything left to...
By boyladybugs
  • Poetry
  • lgbt
  • poetry


Poems and strings of words that don't qualify as poems, from all four years of high school until the summer after freshman year of college. My recent works and anything I continue to write can be found in my new poem book, "Open your hands and say something". That book is what I made so that I have something to show people when they want to look through my poems. But this one is more honest. you can watch me grow up as you read through this. it started in 2019 and i added to it whenever i needed to overcomplicate a stupid feeling. you should know i'm not a boy even though i talk about being one a lot in my later poems. i really need to become better at being an adult. better at being nice to people. i soak in my mistakes a lot, reaching for some comfort through self pity, but it's all a big rotten fruit salad and nothing is neatly diced the way i like it. there's a lot here. read sun dog first if you don't know where to start.


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by boyladybugs