Ice Eye
By pandora_sl
  • Science Fiction
  • fantasy
  • featured
  • horse
  • iceeye
  • mystery
  • secrets
  • underground


Imagine being born with the rarest condition to ever exist on planet Sialo. This planet has the highest and most efficient technology within the Three Points of the Cyclone Galaxy. Its scientists always came across new discoveries of animals and even elements to add to the periodic table. However, in all their years of existence, they have never come across something so precious and unbelievably true. Ace Caffrey was born with coal and cobalt coloured eyes. Calling them rare is an understatement. More like never seen in history. Eyes that make him look like the devil's son but the truth is he's just as much like a human as anyone else despite being constantly looked at differently. So what happens when he and his best friend Carter discover an antique-filled room found through a tunnel in a tree? Maybe their world isn't what it appears to be and Ace isn't who he believes he's become. ** Being edited ** © 2018. All rights reserved.

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Ice Eye
by pandora_sl