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[ENGLISH story for the International/National fans of our Jihoon] an unknown number messaged you unknown: 대위,이게 너 새 번호 야? 그렇다면, 내 안경을 돌려 줘. 지난 주 이래로 가져 갔어. 나는 그것을 지금 뒤로 원한다!! (Daehwi, is this your new number? If so, give me back my glasses, you took it since last week. I want it back now!!) Hales: what? what are you talking about? Are you a chinese? unknown: 게임을 그만 해요! 이 번호가 당신이 준 새 번호입니다. 나 지훈이야! (Stop playing games! This is the new number you gave me. It's me Jihoon! Hales: huh? unknown: Don't you dare speak with me in english Daehwi!! Hales: Uhm.. who's Daehwi? and who are you? unknown: what? you are not Daehwi? Umm I'm Park Ji Hoon btw...
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