the diary | hummels...
By baesalona
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • bayern
  • bayernmunich
  • boarding
  • feels
  • football
  • girl
  • hummels
  • italian
  • lewandowski
  • love
  • mats
  • munich
  • obsession
  • robert
  • robertlewandowski
  • school
  • âu


Carina, a small town Italian beauty, moves to St. Theresa's Boarding Academy--the same school her mother, the late Valentina Castiglione, shook up with her presence decades ago. In the midst of packing for her move, she discovers her mother's high school diary--which details all of the sexual (mis)adventures she faced while at St. Theresa's. Deciding to emulate that image once she arrives at St. Theresa's, Carina soon transforms herself to the most beautiful and desired girl on campus. In the midst of doing so, she seduces her art teacher, Mr. Hummels, into a clandestine relationship; and she garters the attention of the school's self-righteous star footballer Robert Lewandowski as well--but lust soon turns to obsession, and Carina realizes too late that if she wishes to elude her mother's tragic fate, she'll have to give up her mother's glamorous and seductive lifestyle altogether as well. (based, in part, off of the movie 'Poison Ivy 2: Lily')


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the diary...
by baesalona