Deal With It
By Cresil21
  • Teen Fiction
  • real-life-situations


Nekoda a.k.a Cody's mom has been in rehab since she was a freshman. That's when things went downhill. Her step father was left in charge and he hates her to death. She has tried to avoid drama. First by breaking ties with everyone except her best friends who stick by her. Second by letting her father do as he wants, don't fight back. And third, the most important of all, don't fall in love. Now her "best friend's" boyfriend Drake gets drunk one night and ends up spilling a secret that should have never been told. And now her friend Brandon has be provoked into showing his feeling for her. All her mom's advice is "Deal with it." Is it really that easy? A/N: This is one of my lesser valued stories. It's not that good but you're welcome to read it.

Hate Drake

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Deal With...
by Cresil21