Fatal Attraction (T...
By WickedVixen
  • Fanfiction
  • annabelle
  • emmiie
  • fight
  • helena


Helena Callahan has been through forbidden lines and made it back alive. You would think that learning how to be vampire would finally be as easy as breathing. Or rather as easy like drinking your victim's life source and they screaming for mercy. Unfortunately, it seems like danger haunts in every corner and they are stalking their prey. Yet in this challenge Helena is no predator in this game. Especially, when a Vampire from someone's past comes back to cause havoc. It causing more trouble, more trouble for Helena by being Darien Valentine's love interest and that, however, puts Helena's life at risk. Nothing is ever easy for a Vampire. Not even secrets like being a 'Lamia' from the public eye. But what happens when someone want's to exploit her? What if someone wants to leak the information of her true identity? Would they catch the culprit in time or was Helena doomed from the very start to die? It is a race around the clock but who will win victorious? Helena does not know who to trust and who to defy against but one thing is a known fact, a life of a vampire is never dull. Can a life of a Vampire ever be more exciting? Yes indeed, it can...

Fatal Attraction (The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan - ONE SHOT)

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Fatal Att...
by WickedVixen