Guild Slayer Online
By Insanitorium9
  • General Fiction
  • berserk
  • game
  • medieval
  • mmorpg
  • modern
  • morethanjustagame
  • rpg
  • swordartonline
  • swords
  • videogame
  • virtualreality
  • vr


**Inspired by the Berserk and Sword Art Online franchises** Guild Slayer is a virtual reality MMORPG that is extremely popular all around the world. The game is praised for it's incredibly large array of areas that are hand drawn to each and every pixel, the mechanics that make the game almost realistic, and the addicting gameplay. However, an npc or player that started attacking parties and solo players with no intentions that gamers started to call: "Slayer" for it's overwhelming attacks, outrageous abilities, and known to wipe out guilds with a single swing of it's supposedly massive blade; hence naming the mysterious being after the game itself for these reason. After Slayer's random and sudden disappearance, game developers are puzzled hearing about Slayer, responding: "We never made such a thing..." Hackers becoming game for a monster, homicidal AI's that just want their parents dead, and a fairytale with no happy ending are just plot elements as Guild Slayer Online slowly starts to become more than just a game. (I'm almost positive this is going to be cancer >.<)

Disturbing the Rutt

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Guild Sla...
by Insanitorium9