The Involuntary Gho...
By DouglasDebelakAuthor
  • General Fiction


The Ghostwriter's Series is a narrative fabric woven from a thousand questions, but, at its heart, it grew from my effort to get my mind around a song which had been resonating through my thoughts for over 20 years, ever since I heard Joan Osborne's 'One of us' on my car radio. "What if God was one of us?" "What did that mean? What could it possibly mean?" Nearly 3 years ago I wrote the opening sentence of what has become an epic tale, purporting to be the autobiography, not of God, but of the Creator of our universe: "In the beginning... I was born." But, who would tell this tale today, since in the past all the holy books have had 'Ghostwriters'? People who I don't believe woke up one morning choosing to author messages from God. Whether from some internal voice or from a voice that was far greater, I believe they would have felt compelled to write the words they did. They would have had no choice. It would have been 'Involuntary'. Thus was born The Involuntary Ghostwriter. This is an excerpt from The Involuntary Ghostwriter, the first book in The Ghostwriter series. The full version is now available on Amazon.

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The Invol...
by DouglasDebelakAuthor