Mine Forever
By Queen0226
  • bestfriendscousin
  • faith
  • forever
  • frinds
  • halallovestory
  • hope
  • islamiclovestory
  • mine
  • romance
  • sara
  • spiritual
  • zaim


One was shy unable to express herself, While the other was sarcastic, expressing himself in the most twisted way. She would go any boundaries to see her closed ones happy and satisfied, While he was no less, he tried making everyone happy with his single smile, a smile to die for. With a heart as hers, she made each and every boy to fall in love with her, While he was admired by girls of every age. She was pure with a soft heart that needed to be protected in this chaotic world, While he was tangled up in his own mess he was intentionally pushed into. In a world full of venom, they were the honey to each other's soul but only if they would allow the other to. They both were too engrossed, one with her family and the other grieving over his sins, to even think about it.


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Mine Fore...
by Queen0226