Snow White Knight
By Im_Vena
  • Teen Fiction
  • action
  • btsfanfic
  • chicklit
  • completed
  • disorder
  • fanfiction
  • friendship
  • gangster
  • humor
  • ivstories
  • kimtaehyung
  • phobia
  • romance
  • teenfiction


On Going One disorder, seven men, a snow white beauty in the town of Alvatran, a disorder where in she has fear of men hindrance to met her the one. Would the fairest of them all beauty of modern times met her beloved Prince in her seven dwarf? *** Angel Heaven Lee is a strong and independent-eighteen years old- who live in the town of Alvatran. She has a beauty beyond perfect like Snow White in the disney story. Anyone will adore and at the same time envy. But, she have to hide herself with her hoody, not because the evil Queen might see her, like how it goes. But because Angel have this disorder called arrhenphobia-where in she have a fear from men. Living with that disorder she will met the seven men of her life, her very own dwarfs that will turn her life upside down, revealing the secret behind of her lost identity and memories.. Published Book on Chapters Love Indie Publishing House since 2021 Language: Tagalog God Bless Us!


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Snow Whit...
by Im_Vena