Drama Queen (Ballet...
By selena_brooks
  • Teen Fiction
  • ballet
  • dance
  • drama


Shove the newbie into the spotlight, push the seasoned veteran aside, and see if you don't get one angry drama queen. The complicated life at Ever's dance studio suddenly becomes even more complex. The ties between friends and enemies are all twisted up, and a new dancer threatens Riley's place in the studio. And with the spring production coming up...things just aren't going well. Ever thought she knew her place at the studio. After all, she came here to dance, and that's all. But the prospect of success pulls her in, and soon enough she's as swept up into the competition as everyone else. As she and Paige battle for the lead in the spring ballet, she finds herself in the center of all the drama she was trying to avoid. Why can't everyone just get along?

1. I Must be a Heartbreaker

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Drama Que...
by selena_brooks