Behind The Camera (...
By CorruptedKnight
  • Fanfiction
  • garrance
  • garrence
  • garrothxlaurance
  • larroth
  • wattys2017
  • youtuberships


*cover made by @CountryGirl101 Laurance and Garroth have been friends since they met each other at pax. They both have successful lives and seem to be happy with being friends but their fans, instead of rivaling over who is better, they ship them together. Laurance started his channel after Garroth had started gaining subscribers and was already becoming famous. He started with a few impressions and such before slowly gaining a few subscribers after he got into playing a few games. Soon, Laurance imputed his name into a shout out contest that their soon to be close friend Travis was hosting. And he won imthe shout out contest and started to gain subscribers left and right. After he had gotten so many subscribers he was invited to Pax. He was ecstatic. His one wish at that moment was to meet the one and only Gariplier. When he gets his wish, the fandom begins. Hey um all credits if story line and references belong to the original creators Mark and Jack but I modified a few things bit the copyright still stays the same. Hope you like the story. Bye.

Make a Wish

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Behind Th...
by CorruptedKnight