Syki, a mermaid sto...
By Vic_LovesDance
  • Fantasy
  • derek
  • mermaids
  • sykis


She ran from her kingdom. She ran from her duty as a Guardian. She did it because her parents told her she had to marry the Prince. They never asked her anything about it, and they expected her to follow them without saying a word. No, she was intelligent and she knew that following orders was not an option. So that's why she ran from the Pacific Ocean; from the tiniest Hawaiian Islands' seas, where a whole Syki clan could live without being noticed.  She ran from being the Pacific Ocean's Guardian. Being a Syki, or a mermaid as humans called them, was enough. Being a Guardian meant that she would undoubtedly fall in love with the Prince and marry him, as all the other Guardians from the previous generations had, and become the future Queen. To put it simply, her future was already written for her. And she didn't like that one bit. She was determined to believe that she was the only one with the pencil that could write her future. This is a story about a mermaid and how she changed her future as well as the rest of her kingdom’s.

Syki, a mermaid story (english version)

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Syki, a m...
by Vic_LovesDance