Loving the Bad Boy
By Lizzy2113101
  • Romance
  • ariamontgomery
  • badboy
  • romance
  • todayssociety


Your first day at a new school can either be perfect or a complete hell because, in today's society, you have to live by a set of rules. 1) Wake up at 5 o'clock, even though you don't start school until 8:30. 2) Spend an hour and a half curling your hair with the newest wand because your natural hair is to "frizzy." 3) Spend an hour on your make up to look semi decent. 4) Don't eat breakfast because you have to starve yourself to get the "perfect" body. 5) Throw on the skankiest outfit you own with a pair of 6 inch heels that squeeze the living daylights out of your feet. 6) Go to school an hour early to socialize. 7) Never be seen alone or sad. 8) Hang out with only popular kids. 9) Get straight A's but act stupid so you don't get made fun of. 10) Go home and wonder why you're not good enough. I, Lexi Rose Anderson, always obeyed these rules. That was until I met him.

Chapter 1: Today's Society

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Loving th...
by Lizzy2113101