Mine Only, // victu...
By Ochapuriin
  • Fanfiction
  • angst
  • boyxboy
  • drama
  • horror
  • humor
  • victornikiforov
  • victuri
  • victuuri
  • vikturi
  • viktuuri
  • yoi
  • yurionice


( noted that the yandere progress would be quite slow because of the plot twists and dramas I have already planned, please stay on board though! I assure you it's going to be exciting. Well in my perspective view tho ^^ ) yandere AU! #angst #force #drama #mpreg Must you look at me with those dreadful, teary eyes? Must those students break your heart? Must I do everything to get you, For you to love me back?.. What am I kidding Obviously you already are in love You're everything that I wanted up until now So you belong to me, Mine only Victor Nikiforov was just a normal foreigner who just moved in to Hasetsu by himself. Well I wouldn't say ' normal.. ' he was quite.. gifted with his unique mentality. Attending Hasetsu High on his first day, he was already at the center of attention of the town. Handsome and charming with intelligent mind and athletic. With a personality that any women would go crazy over, And Yuuri just came into his life, A man he would go insane to, just to have him. No one knows his identity Soon.. ( my grammar is really bad so I'm sorry)

Chapter 1

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Mine Only...
by Ochapuriin