Reapers Dance
By fatherbiest
  • Horror
  • action
  • death
  • gore
  • horror
  • reapers


"Time, it's running out." The reaper deadpanned fixing me with one of his icy looks. I shook my head. "What do you mean, time is running out?" I asked a hint of anger in my tone. "I mean, you just die, within this week, of course" the reaper said, intwining his fingers. "Well what will I turn into? Do you know that much?" I ask. He fixed me with an unbearable glare, "the question is not what you will turn into Maiyan. But, when will you turn, and how will you be. Do you understand? Maiyan?" I nodded, "so there is a chance I could be evil, and there's a chance I could be good?" He nodded, "I'm afraid so, my dear. For we do not know what, or how you will end up to be. Only The Lord of Time himself, can know." The reapers of times past have stirred, and awoken. Reapers Dance lives once again. There will be hardships to face. Forbidden rules broken. Death will surely come. And blood will surely be shed.


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Reapers D...
by fatherbiest