Inspired partly by a story I had to do that was based on The Outsiders. The Revolutionaries: your LGBTTQQIAAPs, your people from different ethnicities, your supporters, and, your feminists. The Loyalists: your homophobes, your racists, your transphobes, your misogynists, and your closeted Revolutionaries. The PIDKHTLBTALBTARE {PID FOR SHORT) (people I don't know how to label because they aren't Loyalists but they are revolutionaries either): People like James Madison, they are against the Loyalists and they are Revolutiona ries by definition, but they don't like the leaders of the Revolutionaries. . The funny thing was that some of the Loyalists were really Revolutionaries. TW for: Incestual comments, swearing, self-hate, f-slur, anxiety, depression, cheating, more to come