By AmmuAniyan
  • Poetry
  • crushfeelings
  • fallingbehind
  • friends
  • hearttouching
  • infinities
  • life
  • love
  • myvoice
  • poetry
  • rain
  • truthsoflife


There's nothing better than giving voice to your thoughts by penning it down. Here is "MY VOICE" a collection of poems, which are absolutely not flattery or unreal material, but bear truth that we usually leave unspoken. I was indeed afraid to speak out my thoughts, but they could never be locked up in my heart. When I was afraid to speak out loud, the ink from my pen flew down to the paper to give life to "MY VOICE" 1. RAIN 2. MY VOICE 3. FALLING BEHIND 4. TOGETHER FOREVER 5. HER EYES 6. DELIRIUM 7. INFINITIES 8. WHY? These are the poems that you will find here, which are simple yet thought provoking. It's not boring, I promise. This is my first ever publication on wattpad.I need you guys, I need your love and support. Do encourage me and do give me your valuable reviews. Positive or negative, I would receive it wholeheartedly. Because that is what will help me better my writing. You will see another upload by me, very soon. Because I am currently working on a fictional novel. Do wait for it. And the beautiful cover you see was made by Amal Aniyan. I am really thankful to my friends Ahron, Ma nu and @ttinytales for letting me use their photographies. And the last image you would see is a sketch by me. Thank you guys, With love Ammu Aniyan.


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by AmmuAniyan