American Jihadists
By gdorion
  • Adventure
  • adventure
  • aleppo
  • fiction
  • isis
  • islam
  • jihad
  • modern
  • slavery
  • syria
  • terror
  • thriller
  • war


(Warning: Some mature language) Two young American friends naively travel to Syria to fight with ISIS against the Syrian Regime and quickly decide that they got into something ominous and evil. I encourage all readers to comment, vote, and share. This helps to improve the book's Wattpad rankings. For Beta readers, I would appreciate any suggestions and criticisms of the book so far, and of the plot going forward. Thanks much! Please contact me at to become a Beta reader for this book. Author's Note: This version is a 'sneak peek' at where I am at in the novel now. This is a draft only. The novel is expected to be published as a finished book in late 2019 or early 2020. This first section of the novel establishes the relationship between Luke - the narrator - and Gustav, his best friend, who are driven to find adventure and together, their youthful quest lands them in the middle of the Syrian Civil War naively joining the ISIL 'rebels'. Escaping the clutches of the terror group proves much more difficult than joining. In future chapters, I want to explore another theme running abreast of the war, and that is the fate of many refugees who end up as slaves essentially, after their resources dry up and they have no option but to sell their labor and their souls, usually. Thus, the next scenes will be about the boys' escape by ship through the Aegean Sea and their suspicions that a Syrian woman and her young child who are aboard are being exploited for the modern slave market. Luke wants desperately to help possible victims while Gustav is reluctant to get involved because he suspects that the slavers would do anything to protect their "property". He sees the slavers as potentially more lethal than ISIS.

Aleppo Part 1

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by gdorion