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Headlines everywhere! Sorin Skies the professional Pilot, Singer and Athlete gone rouge? Soarin going to a rehab school? Did Soarin just throw his life away by committing a crime or was it destiny? Pure destiny that will pull two worlds together again. I am Rainbow Dash. Bad Girl. 100% Total Rebel. Everyone in the entire Equestria knows that I'm trouble. Ya, My pranks can get REALLY out of hand but so what? A few bones get broken, some cars get wrecked? BIG DEAL!! But you know what is a big deal? Soarin Skies. When that celebrity pulled up to the door of Trenton Academy in his shiny limo for doing some crime he won't spill. Well, All i gotta say is Soarin better stay out of MY way and MAYBE he'll survive our Rehab school.
1: Love Story
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