The Screamer
By TrueBeauty666
  • Vampire
  • amusment
  • bad
  • black
  • blood
  • discovery
  • fantasy
  • fashion
  • hate
  • horror
  • love
  • new
  • old
  • romance
  • shocking
  • thepicassoawards
  • vampire
  • white


Who knew haunted theme parks where still a thing? Who knew such a thing could still exist in this atomic world we live in? The thing is, people think less and less of the horrors in their life because they don't want to deal with it. But in this story, this is about 4 teenagers stumbling soon a theme park in the middle of no where after a car accident. Their is no reception, no batteries in there phones, just a lot up theme park they must enter if they dare. In there they must ride these horrific rides to be able to make it home alive, but who though going on a roller coaster would be so hard? But hey, this is a devilish theme park so what do you think your gonna experience and see in the rides? Plots twist, romance, horror, shocking ending, and most of all. Something very new to this world

Chapter One Flash Back

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The Screa...
by TrueBeauty666