Born of Injustice
By clinomaniacs
  • Fantasy


She who is born into injustice will rebel. It is only natural. Aline Noel is on death row for using magic, something that only men are allowed to do. But Aline is not a man--and the land of Friec is scathingly sexist. But on the night before she's set to die by the guillotine, luck is thrown her way. Set free by the Liberateur de Femmes, a group fighting for human's rights, Aline is a vigilante. Her only options are to return to, and die by the guillotine, or to join the ranks of the Liberateur de Femmes. And so Aline walks away from everything--her friends, her children, her perfect elitist life in Friec--to follow the Liberateur de Femmes in their quest for freedom. Sent immediately on a mission into the heart of Friec, Aline is back in her natural habit--a fake sense of grandeur that had been set upon her by her husband; a grandeur she detests, and a people she detests more. Using her trained elitist mannerisms, Aline must lead a group of rebels into the Cabinet's house on the night of the President's ball, their intent to leave the place in complete ruins. But with Aline never having led people before, and the price of getting caught not death but torture, Aline is not sure if she can do it. Especially with others lives in her hands. Beautiful cover by @petrichora-


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Born of I...
by clinomaniacs