What I Never Told Y...
By WritingAngel96
  • Romance
  • dontshutuptoosoon
  • imissyou
  • iwantedyou
  • sadstory


I wrote this story because if you love someone and you never let them know, one day you could loose them and it could be too late. </3 **I wrote this story in 2012 but at the time I didn't know what I'd eventually face... I fell in love and my boyfriend Shaun passed away on 4-1-2015, so if that isn't proof enough that you should tell the people in your life that you love them, then I don't know what is... Anyway, all I'm saying is that if you love someone, you should tell them as soon as possible. On the last day of Shaun's life we weren't able to talk much because he had a fun, busy day with his friends and I still regret the fact that I didn't tell him that I loved him on the last day of his life.... (Luckily I believe that I told him the day before the tragedy occured.)

What I Never Told You

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What I Ne...
by WritingAngel96