The Pulse of the Wo...
By Fyrefli22
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • dystopia
  • dystopian
  • femaleprotagonist
  • fiction
  • magic
  • post-apocalyptic
  • rebel
  • science-fantasy
  • scifi
  • technology
  • wasteland


Brynn is a solitary scientist, living in the post-apocalyptic planet of Astra, where mankind once had free access to a fantastic magical force known as the Pulse. It was used for powering machines, both big and small, and eventually found its way into weaponry. Children even had a rare chance of being Pulseborn, gifted with the rare ability to freely manipulate this strange force. But, where did this magical essence come from? Just how far could the limits of the Pulse be pushed? From these burning questions, two opposing forces slowly came to blows. The United Liberation Front are a scientifically minded group who firmly believe this power should be continuously studied and explored for further usage. And the Council of Ironwrights are of a more regressive mind, advocating that this power should be used with caution and restraint. Needless to say, the Liberation was winning. That is, until revolution and war lead to bombs being dropped, and a mysterious side effect strips mankind of their magical power source, plunging them into a perilous and unforgiving world with little technology left functioning. It seems the only ones who can turn the tides are Brynn and her robotic assistant, Ariena. But who will help along the way? And who will prove to be the enemies of progress? Highest #7 in #wasteland

Prologue: A Short Night

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The Pulse...
by Fyrefli22