Cinderella Can Sing?
By Yummypizza79
  • Teen Fiction
  • cinderella
  • singing


Singing is the only thing that will always stuck in my mind Singing is the only thing that makes me felt alive Singing is the only thing-well you know what i meant All i ever want to do is be a singer or just singing around at some place Well that's to bad cuz if your living in a huge house with a horible step mother and a step sister who can barely sing a proper key to every note and make you do the every chores in the house-well lets keep it simple like they always say-You aint going no where missy. My mom died when i was only 6 and i blame my self for my mother's death and well you guys are probaly wondering why isn't my dad there to help me.well he is a very busy man that work in a music industry My dad is a producer he always been a very busy man he dosent even have time to spend time with me Even tough i really like to sing my dad dosent know that he always think that i only like to play the guitar but all of that changes when........

Cinderella Can Sing?

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by Yummypizza79