Apartment 410 | 410...
By aexris
  • Romance
  • apartment
  • college
  • feisty
  • funny
  • gay
  • humorous
  • love
  • roommates
  • sexy
  • straight
  • teenfiction


Vani was given a male roommate, out of every available college apartment. She was given a male as a roommate. He was hot a walking sex dream, everything she ever dreamed of. Well that was until her landlord tells her that she was only assigned to him because he was gay. Confused, Vani can't seem to wrap her head around the fact. Especially since the smoldering looks, and passing sex references he throws her way are way more than friendly gay batter. She was sure he was straight, and she will do anything to find out if it's true or not. Even if it means following her best friends little advice and converting him. University just got a little more interesting, and their little apartment is just about to get heated. EXCERPT: Bending over, she glanced over her shoulder just in time to see him catch a glimpse of her ass. He froze and she swore she heard him mutter a few profanities, before his eyes snapped up just as she turned her head back towards the washing machine. "Do you have any laundry for me to do Sin?" Vani asked, she heard him grunt a no. Before she heard footsteps making their way towards her. Vani shook in anticipation when Sin's hands splayed themselves at the base of her hips and she could distinctly feel his warm breath on her women parts. "Sin?" "Fuck, Vani. I want to taste you so bad."


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by aexris