Make Sure They Neve...
By BrandonBanandon
  • Adventure


In the life of a pirate, there are two things that you never want to happen. You never want your crewmates angry at you, and you never want the soldiers to finally catch up with you. But those things can't be avoided every time. So, when the crew gets angry, you do what you can to appease them. When the soldiers start closing in on your ship, you kill. But God forbid that both of these should ever happen at the same time. When that happens, you don't do anything. You just pick up your flintlock, put it under your chin, and pull the trigger. Unfortunately for Brandon Thomas, these things and more are going to happen, but when things reach a head, it's not going to be as easy as just pulling a trigger and ending everything. Because, see, he's special, and he's important, no matter how much he wishes that he could just fade off into obscurity.

Make Sure They Never Take You Alive Chapter 1

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Make Sure...
by BrandonBanandon