Hell's Advocat...
By SheraiAmartey
  • Romance
  • angels
  • angst
  • gay
  • violence


Being from a small, religious town in South Carolina, Liam Romelio has not had many exciting things happen to him in his 19 years on earth. With his mother being a chairwoman in the county's council, and his father being the main priest of the church, his religion was always forced down his throat. Especially the stories of the Dark Angels, or the Fallen ones. He's been told of Fallen Angels that used to massacre entire countries because of their hatred of humans, and their uncontrollable urges to do the Devil's biding. Liam, had never listened to his parents stories and when he finally escaped and attended university in Florida, he felt his life had finally began. In Florida, he met his best friend Ullyric Espada; yet there was something always just a bit off about Ullyric. He would disappear for weeks on end, he would rarely speak of his family and he always spoke of a man by the name of Niklaus. One night, Liam had seen Ullyric do something he wasn't supposed to see. When Liam tries to run, Ulyric catches him, and finally brings him to meet the man he's heard of but knows nothing about: Niklaus

Hell's Advocates

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by SheraiAmartey