When Worlds Collide...
By youngjustified
  • Fanfiction
  • bleach
  • crossover
  • naruto
  • whenworldscollide
  • youngjustified


Haven't you ever wondered what would happen if BLEACH and NARUTO collided? Well I've got two words for you, CHAOS SQUARED. Join your favorite substitute soul reaper and your number one knuckle headed ninja as they meet for the first time and SAVE THE UNIVERSE. Will they hit it off or hit each other? Will Neji and Uryuu EVER get over one unfortunate night in the woods?! Will Sakura end the story for a certain lion plushy?!? Discover the truth to these questions and more, WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. ~So... yeah... I accidentally deleted this. But I epicly rescued it! So some things may be old. I'm also putting the reads bar back up, combining previous reads with the new ones.~ Love, YJ 0 {//////////////////////___________________}30000 <---13.6K total reads, 338 total votes, 78 total comments.

VOL. I::Chapter 1--Kurosaki Ichigo

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When Worl...
by youngjustified