My Saviors
By LunatotheAlpha
  • Werewolf
  • fantasy
  • love
  • mates
  • maturethemes
  • protector
  • romance
  • twins
  • twomates
  • werewolf
  • werewolvesxhuman


Since she was a young girl Rose Duvall had been on her own. From the time that she was just six years old all that she could remember was the trauma and abuse. She never knew love, companionship. She knew what it was supposed to look like, but never what it felt like. So it was no surprise to her that on the night that she turned sixteen years old that instead of waking up to a birthday chant she was being awoken by the stinging of the cold hard ground as her father threw her out of the car. When she came to she was stranded in the woods, looking longingly at the taillights that sped off into the night. While trying to find help in the middle of nowhere she somehow ended up going deeper into the forest, where she had ended up getting lost, no knowledge of how to get out. That is where she stayed for two years; alone, cold, and afraid. While facing death everyday she manages to survive, living strictly off of the land, savaging any berries and rainwater she could find. When her light starts to diminish, when all hope seems lost two wolves stumble upon her. Little did she know those two wolves weren't really wolves at all, but her saviors. ***Also I made a previous story of this on my old account so this is like a new remake****


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My Saviors
by LunatotheAlpha