Dear Newt: a collec...
By wanderingpens
  • Fanfiction
  • dylmas
  • fanfiction
  • minho
  • newt
  • newtmas
  • page250
  • thedeathcure
  • themazerunner
  • thescorchtrials
  • thomas
  • wicked


What if there is something more after the shot? What if, in all the odds, Newt and Thomas are still in contact with each other? Some hidden conversation that we did not get a chance to read from the books? For those who still believe in Newtmas, this collection of letters awaits you. * * * Also, I would like to give the hugest thanks to my Thai teacher, who had fueled me with the idea to start this fanfiction in the very first pace. Perhaps by luck or chance, I was paying attention to her, and she was talking about a movie called "The Letter" which sparked the idea of everything I'm writing now. So again, thank you, it would not have been possible without her. * * * Disclaimer: This plot is inspired by a movie called "The Letter". I do not own any of the characters; they are based upon James Dashner's novel "The Maze Runner".

To Tommy

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Dear Newt...
by wanderingpens