Roommates ✅
By JessicaMorel0
  • ChickLit
  • boston
  • boynextdoor
  • chicklit
  • college
  • italian
  • love
  • lucaandeddie
  • possesive
  • romance
  • roomates
  • wattys2018


HIGHEST RANKING #76 in CHICKLIT (14/07/18) Eddison Jenkins and Luca Morreti have been roommates for two years. Eddison is a smart petite brunette who lives life as a tomboy and Luca is self confessed sex addict. As they enter their Junior year of college the dynamic between the two starts to change. Luca has a different girl every night but what will happen when Eddie brings home a boy? ******** Mature language and content. "Oh my god! You're the girlfriend aren't you?" "I'm the roommate" Eddison says simply. The sound of keys in the front door cause both woman to look towards the door. Eddie knew automatically who it was, "That..." she says as the door swings open, "is the girlfriend" Kate Vanderbeek enters the small Boston townhouse with her designer bag over her shoulder. Eddie was used to Kate by now. "Morning Kate, pancakes?" "No thanks Eddie" Kate looks the blonde up and down before addressing Eddie again, "Don't tell me..." "Yup" Eddie replies popping the 'p' and with that Kate screams at the top of her lungs. "Luca Morreti! Get your arse out here right now!"

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by JessicaMorel0