A Dream for Charlot...
By MysteryNumber6
  • Fantasy


What if the dreams you see are stories given to you by someone else? What if they have the power to hold you in it, to not let you go from that dream? What if your nightmares can actually turn out to be true? What if there are people in this world who are able to control what we dream? Charlotte has stumbled upon a world just like that. But the things she finds there will change her forever. Will she manage to get back? Or will be the price be too much for her? Jeez, this description sucks. (They always suck when I write them-->Amanda) Why don't you just forget about this lousy scribble and go ahead to the story? Hmm? Go on, instead of staring at this description page...Now GO FORTH COMRADES!!!

A Dream for Charlotte (Chapter 1)

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A Dream f...
by MysteryNumber6