Being Human US - Th...
By victoriarowlands
  • Vampire
  • beinghumanus
  • vampier
  • vampire


Adian is a vampier who lives with a wearwolf named jhose and a ghost named sally who are trying to live a normal human life . He was working one day when he bumbs into a new coworker named victoria who came here to restart her life as a nurse. Adian felt something he has never felt in a million years and started to fall in love with her.But as they get to know eachother bishop began to realise that adian has taken a likeing for this girl and try to recrote her as one of them. will victoria exsept this gift or curse, or will she fight back with adian to make sure her life dose not end in a vampier turning way. note from author : Hello everyone. so this is a story based on being human us season 1, i finished it las week and loved it so much i really wanted to do a stoey for adian because he is such a cool vampier ( i mean come on who wouldent love him, am i right ) so i am writting more fan fics soon and i hope u are enjoying my storys so far. enjoy from victoria rowlands xxxxx

Meeting Adian

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Being Hum...
by victoriarowlands