The Fat Bitch Diet
By arkhanbooks
  • Romance
  • boyfriend
  • diet
  • facebook
  • family
  • fiction
  • fitness
  • friends
  • funny
  • gym
  • humor
  • instagram
  • jokes
  • lessons
  • lgbt
  • love
  • obesity
  • romance
  • sexuality
  • trainer
  • twenty


"I don't think he's a member; he must be the new personal trainer." Bursting with humor and emotion, The Fat Bitch Diet tells the light-hearted story of a heavy, witty, twenty-something female who challenges herself to lose weight after she becomes a victim of a viral video. A.R. Khan skillfully entertains with witty banter, while educating the reader on weight loss and touching on themes of self-worth, sexuality, social media, love, loss and family. Viola is twenty-nine years old, heavy, and counting down the days to an inevitable marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Franklin. After hearing his true intentions and being humiliated over a radio call-in show, Viola becomes a viral sensation. With a desperate desire to win Franklin's heart, lose weight, and become his bride, Viola quickly realizes that fate has other plans for her.


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The Fat B...
by arkhanbooks