The Abused Mate (Fi...
By Boklenhle81
  • Werewolf
  • abuse
  • abusive
  • alexa
  • father
  • healing
  • hope
  • logan
  • love
  • pain
  • werewolves


Alexa has been beaten, abused, and raped by her father ever since her mother died in a tragic car accident. She refuses to get attached to people, convinced that they'll all betray her. She doesn't trust anyone, especially men. Forced to earn her own money, she found a job at the age of fifteen, barely making ends meet. Logan is Alpha of The Mid-Moon Pack, but can't officially be considered Alpha until he finds his mate. His own life has been filled with sorrow and mistrust. His father, Alpha of The Mid-Moon Pack was brutally betrayed and murdered when he was only seventeen years old. He took over as Alpha, though underage and mateless, and did a remarkable job, focusing on his pack, pushing everything else aside including the search for his mate. Please note this is not solely a romance, and it's not the typical werewolf story either. The romance takes time, but it is there, just be patient.

The Abused Mate

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The Abuse...
by Boklenhle81