The plague
By JoeUzor
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They came without warning. No sound, smell or sight advertised their arrival into their village but once they were there they wouldn't leave until every house had been burnt to the ground and every man, woman and child had been killed. "Run! Find your mother and sister and run!" Her father shouted at his youngest daughter, Isadora, fear gripping his heart. Pushing her backwards, towards their small hut, where her sister, Henrietta, would be making supper with her mother, she found herself staring up at her father with confusion. Ten years later and Izzie could still hear the screams of her village as they were burnt alive; could still see with vivid detail the rape of her mother and sister and their brutal slaughter. At such a young age, only eight, she had not known what the men had been doing to them but as she grew wiser in the ways of the world she realized with disgust what had happened. It just made her anger even more vivid. There had been nothing left of her village when she returned at the age of fourteen after mastering the bow and arrow; no one had survived to rebuild the village and the kingdom simply turned away when they came across the charred ground where so many atrocities had taken place; it was a black memory in the history of their land and no one liked to remember the bad times. But Izzie lived for those times for she could not think of anything else other than revenge for her family. After ten years of fighting and learning to master many weapons in existence Izzie had built a reputation for herself. Her name had grown to be whispered rather than shouted out; her presence invoked fear and rumors of her past had spread like wildfire but no one knew the truth about her past. Izzie promised herself never to give up until she gets her revenge.


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The plague
by JoeUzor