The song I make (A...
By simple_avocado
  • Fanfiction
  • aaron
  • aaronxreader
  • anime
  • aphmau
  • garroth
  • love
  • meifwa
  • mystreet
  • werewolf
  • xreader
  • zane


Like the title says! This story won't follow mystreet but some of it will!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DISCONTINUED FROM THE WORKS BUT YOU MAY STILL READ THIS HORRIBLE PIECE OF WORK I HAVE CREATED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A wolf pop star named Y/n comes to live in Mystreet after getting away from the city life! She meets tons of new people and finds a little something along the way! After a while she talks to a man who could possibly be her true love! But what happens when characters from the anime world start to appear? Can she afford to help them all? Or will they have to suffer till they can go back again? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I KNOW!! I put anime characters in here... BUT DONT JUDGE I WANTED TO MAKE THIS INTERESTING!!! But, Good bye lovely's??

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The song...
by simple_avocado